In the February 2012 issue of Fast Company, I discovered a new name – Generation Flux. Who are they? What are they about? And, should I care?
If you are a member of GenFlux then you see your business future as pure chaos, but will thrive in it. The contention is a new business climate is rapidly evolving, one of fluidity, chaos, unstable and filled with ambiguity. There are people in our world that thrive in such a business climate and businesses better be prepared for this new type of world.
If we thought that businesses should focus on managing uncertainty and change, well your wrong. The “true challenge,” according to Dev Patnaik, co founder and CEO of strategy firm Jump Associates is, “in an increasingly turbulent and interconnected world, ambiguity is rising to unprecedented levels. That’s something our current systems can’t handle.”
Patnaik goes on to say that “most big organizations are good at solving clear but complicated problems. They’re absolutely horrible at solving ambiguous problems – when you don’t know what you don’t know. Faced with ambiguity, their gears grind to a halt.”
The article features several members of GenFlux and how they thrive in this new business climate. Their ages range from their 20’s to 60’s.
Do you think we are rapidly moving to a business climate that is characterized by GenFlux? Is chaos and ambiguity the new climate we are moving to?